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Provision of General Ski and Snowboard Instruction


Article 1 – Preliminary Provisions


1.1. These general terms and conditions of sale (or “GTC”) apply to all orders for ski and/or snowboard instruction services (or the “Instruction Services”). The Services are further described on the website


1.4. Any booking or order of Services implies the Client’s express acceptance of the GTC, of which the Client acknowledges having received prior notice (the GTC being available on the Website and/or communicated to the Client prior to any booking or order), which prevail over all other provisions. The information contained in these GTC and those on the Website constitute the Client’s prior information in accordance with the provisions of Articles L111-1 and following of the Consumer Code. The Client thus declares having received all pre-contractual information in accordance with the aforementioned code and commits to ordering with full knowledge of the facts.


Article 2 – Services


The GTC relate to:


• Ski or snowboard instruction services, provided individually or collectively by Nans Leyvastre. The Services are further described on the Website.


Article 3 – Contractual Process – Contract – Duration


3.1. Order


The order is placed by the Client through one of the following means:


• Email, in the premises of the concerned Companies, or by phone at the following contact details: Tel: +33 (0)628688009

• Via the website the Client visits the Site pages and selects the Services of their choice. Once the selection is complete, the Client views their cart detailing the Services ordered and the prices and confirms their order. The Client will then provide their personal data or access codes and must review these GTC. A summary of their data and order will be generated. The Client can correct their cart and information. The Client must then confirm their order with an obligation to purchase and pay. In this regard, the Client declares to be the owner of the payment method used or duly authorized to use it. Once the order is placed, Nans Leyvastre will send an order confirmation to the Client’s email address. Regardless of the method, an order will only be considered final, and therefore the Services effectively reserved, when accompanied by the payment specified below.


3.2. Contract – Duration


These GTC and the Client’s order, accompanied by the payment specified below, form the contract (or the “Contract”). The Contract is concluded for the duration of the Services mentioned on the order.


Article 4 – Prices – Payment Terms


4.1. Prices are:


• Net of taxes for Instruction Services; in euros, calculated based on the data in effect at the time of contract signing.

The sales prices displayed are accompanied by the mention “starting from,” as they are set according to a schedule defined in each station for the 2023/24 season:

• La Plagne and other stations:

• Low season: 12/12 to 23/12 2023 // 13/01 to 2/02 2024 // 14/04 to 27/04 2024

• Mid season: 8/01 to 12/01 2024 // 4/02 to 10/02 2024 // 11/03 to 30/03 2024

• High season: 24/12/23 to 7/01/24 // 11/02/24 to 11/03/24 // 31/03/24 to 14/04/24

All prices in effect at the time of the order are available on the Website. They may be changed without notice in case of price increases imposed by suppliers or in case of economic upheaval. These price changes will not apply to contracts already concluded with the Client.


4.2. An order will only be considered final, and therefore the Services effectively reserved, when accompanied by the full payment of the Services. In case of partial payment, the balance will be due one month before the start of the Services. The amounts thus paid in advance constitute deposits. Upon receipt of the order accompanied by the aforementioned payment, an order acknowledgment and an invoice will be sent by Nans Leyvastre to the Client at the email address provided, subject to the validity of said email address. Services are payable by: credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Amex) / bank transfer / check / cash/ holiday vouchers (ANCV). As an essential and determining condition of these terms, the full price of the Services is due before the start of the Services, under the conditions mentioned above. In case of non-payment by the Client of the amounts due within the specified time limits, Nans Leyvastre reserves the right to reallocate the reserved spots while retaining all amounts paid in advance.


Article 5 – Modification of Services


Due to the organization and planning required for the execution of the Instruction Services, no changes to the Services can be made less than thirty (30) days before the start of the Services. Before this thirty (30) day period, changes (schedules, number of people, level) may be made to the Services, subject to the availability of the instructor, possibly with an additional cost which will be communicated to the Client for their approval.


Article 6 – Cancellation


6.1. In case of cancellation by the Client of the ordered Services:


• Notified to Nans Leyvastre at least one month (30 days) before the start of the Services, the total amounts paid in advance will be refunded;

• Notified to Nans Leyvastre less than one month (30 days) before the start of the Services, the amounts paid by the Client will be due by the Client who will not receive any refund.


6.2. In case of cancellation by Nans Leyvastre:


• More than one month before the start of the Services, Nans Leyvastre will refund the Client an amount equivalent to the deposits paid by the Client;

• Less than one month before the start of the Services, Nans Leyvastre will refund the Client an amount equivalent to the total amount of said Services +10%.


By derogation from the aforementioned provisions, in case of cancellation by Nans Leyvastre:


• Due to the instructor’s illness or injury, only the amounts paid by the Client will be refunded;

• Due to weather conditions (insufficient or no snow, too much snow, weather conditions leading to piste closures or posing a risk to the Client, for example), the amounts paid by the Client will be retained by Nans Leyvastre and will not be subject to any refund and/or additional payments.


Article 7 – Liability – Force Majeure


7.1. Instruction Services

Nans Leyvastre is responsible for the proper execution of the Services.


7.3. Force Majeure – Third Party Acts

Nans Leyvastre will not be considered responsible or in default for any failure in the execution of the Services resulting from a case of force majeure. Nor can it be held responsible for acts of third parties unrelated to the provision of the Services provided in the Contract or the improper execution of the Contract attributable to the Client.


Article 8 – Execution of Services


8.1. For the execution of the Services, the Client must be present at the place, day, and time indicated in the order acknowledgment. In case of delay by the Client, they will not be entitled to any partial refund.


8.2. Interruptions in the operation of the ski lifts, independent of Nans Leyvastre’s will, which would impact the proper execution of the Services, cannot give rise to any refund or compensation by Nans Leyvastre to the benefit of the Client.


8.3. The Client’s attention is drawn to the fact that “too much” or “too little” snow cannot be attributed to the Company and/or the School. Generally, Nans Leyvastre’s liability cannot be engaged due to weather and snow conditions, so the Client cannot claim any compensation, discount, or refund. It is up to the Client, if desired, to subscribe directly and outside of this service to “snow insurance/guarantee.”


Article 10 – Helmet Use


Snow sports activities present risks, and wearing a helmet is mandatory for children under 13 years old and highly recommended for everyone. Helmet use is mandatory in snowboard lessons, regardless of age. Nans Leyvastre also recommends back protection for children and wrist guards as well as “protection shorts” for snowboarders.


Article 11 – Insurance


Clients are not covered by Nans Leyvastre’s professional liability insurance for Instruction Services. Each Client must insure themselves against the risks inherent to this type of sporting activity.


Article 12 – Interruption of Services Following an Accident


Services are not refundable in case of a Client’s accident preventing them from continuing the Services.


Article 13 – Photos & Videos


By benefiting from the Services, the Client accepts the possibility of appearing in photos or videos that may be used by Nans Leyvastre on promotional materials such as brochures, websites, etc. In case of refusal, the Client will inform Nans Leyvastre concerned by any written means; the latter will then refrain from using said images and remove them, if applicable, when possible.


Article 14 – Tolerances – Modifications


Any tolerance by one of the parties regarding the non-performance or poor performance by the other party of one of these GTC provisions cannot, in any case, and regardless of its duration, create any right for the other party, nor modify in any way the nature, extent, or performance of its obligations. Nans Leyvastre may, at any time, make any changes or adaptations to the GTC,

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